Wednesday, June 07, 2006

this is the week when things just pop up out of the blue.

... like the instant quickie project that fell into my lap the other day as i was downloading songs on the internet. an ex-boss called asking for help. and it's something that i can do too, given my previous work and background. (although for a sec, i wondered why it was that ex-boss, and not the other ex-boss that called. maybe a matter of tactics on their part, if it had come to that. hehehe!)

... like the instant date with this good-looking young cousin and his warm, funny, reflective stories of growing up married :) nice one, cousin! have fun in the u es of a.

... or the fact that I am now sick, brought about by having the ex-boss' aircon blasting fully onto me, while we talked about women, health and water. i am dismayed to be sick, it adds to the low morale. have been needing to fight for my dignity, lately. but if i don't who will? (and a million thanks to those whose love sustain me). certainly, I have learned my lessons well, very very well, more times than you can imagine, long before this year. and after everything, I would still choose to have erred on the side of naivete than on the side of dishonesty.

Love, peace and trees! The trees know and they will remember :)