Friday, July 21, 2006

biblio gaga

isn't it cute when the novels that you read reverberate with your thoughts? ;)

on counseling

"I hesitated. 'I don't think I'm qualified to say, Nick. It must be incredibly painful.' I wondered how long I should pause before saying "but." A few months, possibly.

"I'd realized he wasn't ready to look on the bright side, so I just shut up about it and listened. There was no making it right, so it was selfish of me to try. When he wanted to, he expressed himself beautifully. The words poured out of him."

on intimacy

"I enjoyed those conversations, even though I knew I shouldn't. It was exhilarating, Nick inviting me to share his feelings. He hadn't done it for so long. I'd forgotten how much I'd missed it. I felt privileged, close to him. This was how we should have operated as a couple. Instead, we got lazy, shutting ourselves off. I don't mean to sound pompous, but there can be no intimacy without self-disclosure."

still, Behaving Like Adults by Anna Maxted

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