Thursday, August 10, 2006

how do you train an elephant so you don't get trampled on? :)

(the child said his father was like an elephant who only moved to eat.

the counselor wondered aloud, maybe you can learn how to train an elephant?

still, the child is but a child.

the counselor wondered some more, hmmm, how to train an elephant without getting trampled on?

-- from brief counselling: narratives and solutions by judith milner and patrick o'byrne ~it's described to be adding to the story/ thickening the plot in order to arrive at a new story, and seeing what a person sometimes does right so she can do more things "right")

1 comment:

chitterch** said...

kaya yun! use shaping. hahaha!! ano ba yun, pinilosopo ang pilosopo. why'd you move?! i'm experiencing separation anxiety.... :D