Saturday, August 19, 2006

they'll talk

yesterday a friend texted me in distress over breaking up with her boyf. today, she said they're meeting up "to talk."

ay kanami. they're going to talk. that made me really happy :D

let's not talk

i'm currently in the process of pulling myself back, down, into the ground, flat on it, for my mind to stop, and my pedals to slow ...

so i can flow with my counselees. one is not supposed to drag one's counselees ;))

the other day i dragged my counselee into some quiet time, feeling that it was time, not to talk :D

except that i shouldn't be the one to decide all that. hahaha! (yes, t, i have resolved to try ever so much harder to be girl Carl R. :P) but it was good!

do for fun?

an old boyf asked me today what i do for fun (and commenced to tell me what he does for fun).

that threw me for a loop.

i was anguished for a few minutes. am i so boring? i don't do anything fun?

but then i realized, i don't "do" fun. life just is. fun. many's the time. :D. i don't have to do it to have fun.


i was lost and i was saved again.

1 comment:

chitterch** said...

ay ang ganda :)

"... i realized, i don't "do" fun. life just is."

right on girl Carl!!