Tuesday, February 13, 2007

writing reports

perhaps psychotherapy is about creating spaces for that which is hidden/ repressed, and that which is yet to be. and saying, ok. recognizing and allowing. there is no good no bad, just flow.

*ruminating about a client: perhaps if you allowed yourself to need them (though they could hurt you, and they have), then they would feel needed, and could let go a little. such was the divide that you got hold of all the independence, and they the attachment, but if you could both learn to share the load, and ease up on the roles, then each would be free to ride the tide.*

perhaps psychotherapy is looking out for the one who's sorely preoccupied on the "lack" or the "loss" until having fully occupied the space for lost, he or she is left no choice but to look up and around. and see the bigger view.

1 comment:

chitterch** said...

Space! Space! Ayoko na ng space! Gusto ko ng closeness, yung bang in-your-face ano-kaya-mo-to kind of closeness.


Just messin' witchoo shorty.