Thursday, May 06, 2004

Fall from Grace

Tuesday this week was welcomed with both excitement and trepidation as my weekly horoscope had this to say -- Tuesday could be the most interesting day this week, as you might need to rise to a challenge, while still retaining your dignity. The question of dignity isn't usually a problem, as you naturally bear yourself with grandeur. But as there is going to be a Full Moon in Scorpio at this time, you might find that despite your best intentions, one social outing could prove too much, and you might end up disgracing yourself in one way or another before the night is over.

While I was interested to find out how things could get interesting (and they did too, a bit starting with a dead cat on my doorstep, but this is a story at another blog :D), I was also fearful of how I would disgrace myself. Would I be running around the campus streets naked? Would I fall into an emotional pool, and spend the night crying into my friend's shoulders?

Aquarius herself was a tad fearful -- if Cappie broke down, what was she to do? (hehehehe! Maybe she was visualizing having to carry me over her shoulders bawling! :-P). On the other hand, Pisces gf clapped her hands in glee, and soon was lost in happy remembrances of her various disgraceful encounters many of which involved moonlight, stars, sand, water, and males (hehe!).

Sad to say, there were no scandalous encounters beyond me persisting in singing reggae (wanna make you sweat, sweat till you can't sweat no more) and being politely ignored.

However, Wednesday this week, there was a "fall from grace" as Cancer gf confirmed that I am no longer the one she looks up to! No longer the one she solely admires because since my days as her heroine, many wonderful people have come into her life. She has also come to appreciate and celebrate the goddess within her. I've become simply normal, just another friend in a huge web of wonderful friends. And am so relieved. Hehehe! I didn't think getting disgraced would feel this good ;-).

As I did write in this blog a few weeks back -- ... I think when some friends have to describe me, it comes out as if I'm dead already. Hey! I'm as petty as petty can be, just a hot and bothered molecule in the middle of matiaga. If you pinch me, I'll bite you. Please don't put me a step higher coz that means you won't bother with me and anyway am too lazy to stand still. I'd rather be sitting on the step eating crunchy green mangga. And I don't like being a step lower either although that's often where I place myself. Because belly to belly is best :D. ... I don't want to be an oracle, no one wants to go to bed with the oracle, who could sleep????.

'Nuff said. Am sure, Libra gf can relate. :D I've long become normal to her goddess self too! Hehe!

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