Monday, January 17, 2005

33 Butingtings You Never Knew and Don’t Need to Know,

1. I wish I could talk feelings with ahem so we could help each other grow. I am tired of holding mine in a cute pink bag.
2. I am scared to death of ice-breakers! Hahahaha! I mean I’d hate to facilitate icebreakers!
3. I am a fan of blue jeans though I can’t wear them all the time.
4. I like string bikinis, they are easier to wear (particularly in some far-off beach somewhere where you don’t think you know anyone until a sorority sis from college yells out your name. Hehe!)
5. I liked the strawberry shake forays brother and I did over the Christmas break. Yummy!
6. I like that my sister can ask me advice on what clothes to pack for her trip to the Philippines and I know exactly what she means
7. I want to go to New York but not for work because I’m not convinced I’m convincing. Maybe on the lotto is a better idea, hehe!
8. Cancer girlfriends bring me comfort!
9. I am super territorial.
10. I am a lyrics person.
11. I lost my shoe lust last year but it has resurfaced this past week. Aaaaargh. It resurfaces when I am feeling impoverished during birthdays hehehe
12. I would like a new job, but what?
13. I live on a street where the numbers are not necessarily in order.
14. I like to make butingting, as in sometimes I really look for something to butingting and have many piles of butingtingkables
15. I like sitting at bars. Really.
16. I hate it when someone likes me just when I’m liking someone who doesn’t like me. I’d rather be left alone and not have to be reminded about rejection.
17. I also gather that the people who love us for no reason that you can think of are blessings and we must accept them as such but sometimes my grace urn runs dry.
18. So one of the things I’ve asked of myself this year is to have more grace.
19. One of my main pet peeves in life are People Who Mean Well, particularly the ones who mean well maliciously.
20. I was so pleased with a friend of mine who dropped by several days ago coz he was so very charming – very sweet. Nice.
21. I thought beginning the year with a trip to Boracay when the rest of humanity was already slaving away was too indulgent but it turned out to be one of the best things ever. It’s something warm and bright to think about when the blues hit you.
22. I will like a song to death and get tired of it and never want to hear it again till the next century.
23. I don’t feel the same way about books as I do about songs. I keep most books but have lately been training myself to give away those I can live without, and even to give away those I love just to be able to share the words.
24. I like it when sometimes I am aware I am consciously “loving” someone – a friend, family member – providing emotional support.
25. I'm so glad I feel better about work today than I did two days ago.
26. I hate it that ahem hardly ever reads my blog. It's indifference! What more evidence do I need that I must move on? (Oooops, back to angst ;-)

26 for now, perhaps 7 more tomorrow.

On second thoughts, sunny skies at night call for a celebration! Yahooo!
27. I want ahem to show me his world because when he once described showing it to me, I wanted to give him the chance to do so (hehe! may patronizing drama)
28. I have stopped relating my furniture to ahem. Hahahaha! Funny me but that's truly good news.
29. Actually when I'm at my most secure I have already moved on.
30. And when you've truly moved on, it's all right that you've moved on.
32. Who would have thought getting my leave and budget requests approved would make me feel this cheerful?
33. I am after all, quite simple.
34. I also believe that the Egyptian Temple Priestess has moved on. :D
35. What I envy about married couples is their regular sex life. Hahahaha.

And I meant to stop at 33.

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