Friday, November 18, 2005


sounds like a combination shush-and-pssst (shut up but take notice....wwwwwhhhilllssst)

whilst is the one word i have as yet to think to use in all that i have written in my decades of existence in the wide wide world... whilst :D

whist i may not have done so, "whilst" was the favorite word of the bevy of writers that came together to work on the synthesis report of ngo's to this zerten bank on its policy on tubeeeeeeeeg (as in "tubeeeeeeg, ano ba iyan wala na namang tubeeeeeg." or "tubeeeeg ang mahal na ng tubeeeeeeg.").

so there. whilst there were the many who helped in bits and pieces, after sitting in front of Fiolo laftaf for 13 hours straight, more or less excepting the times i got water, coffee, gobbled dinner, and went to the "washroom", i found myself at three in the morning typing THE VERY LAST PARAGRAPHS that were being debated, discussed and dictated to me by three MEN, one sri lankan (amusing), one british (bright), and one dutch (my favorite).

and the punchline is, just at that particular moment, they were brainstorming the ngo recommedations on gender.

wahahahahaha. three dedicated men and the braindead feminist typist. ;))

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